Oct 27, 2020
Sonya Negley, Executive Director of METAvivor, joined us on the podcast. She talked about the mission of METAvivor and the importance of supporting research for stage IV breast cancer. Sonya shared the different programs available through the organization, such as the peer to peer support group and Sea to Sea for MBC....
Oct 20, 2020
The episode this week is a reshare of the previous episode with Kim Carew, breast cancer survivor and founder of Peace, Love, Tote. Kim shared her story behind the pink ribbon including her treatments. Kim's personal experience with chemo inspired her to found Peace, Love, Tote, a non-profit organization that provides...
Oct 13, 2020
Harvey Singer and Vicki Singer Wolf joined me on the podcast to share their stories behind the pink ribbon. Vicki was first diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in-situ at the age of 35. Following her third diagnosis, Vicki tested and found positive for the BRCA2 mutation. In 2008, Harvey experienced a sharp pain in his...
Oct 6, 2020
My guest on this episode is Kelly Thomas. She was 33 years old when diagnosed with stage 3, triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma in January 2018. Kelly shared her story behind the pink ribbon from finding her lump, diagnosis, and treatments. We also talked about being diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age and...